Winterhalter Music Teacher Showcase: Getting to Know Caroline Rohm

by Cassie Winterhalter on November 7, 2013

Caroline Rohm

It’s my pleasure to introduce to you Winterhalter Music’s newest teacher piano and flute teacher, Caroline Rohm. Caroline recently moved to the DC area from North Carolina in order to pursue her doctorate in flute performance. She also holds a master’s and bachelor’s degrees in flute performance along with a bachelor’s degree in German. Wow! I’m so pleased to have Caroline join our fantastic team. My interview with her is included below.

1. Why did you decide to become a music teacher?

I decided to become a music teacher after years of taking private lessons in flute and piano. I was inspired to become a flute professor by previous instructor of mine, whose enthusiasm and open-mindedness encouraged my natural curiosity. It was due to her influence that I decided to become a flute professor.

2. How do you motivate your students?

I motivate my students through positive reinforcement. For some students, I find that consistent encouragement can be as equally motivating as praise and other rewards for improvements, such as stickers.

3. What is your favorite thing about teaching?

My favorite thing about teaching is that Eureka!-like moment in lessons when students first start to understand a new concept.

4. What do you like to do in your free time?

Right now, I am very busy working on a DMA in flute performance at the University of Maryland! When I do get free time, I enjoy cooking, running, swimming, hiking, reading, and watching Bollywood movies.

5. What are some fun facts that people might not know about you?

During my undergraduate studies I got to spend a year studying at a conservatory in Klagenfurt, Austria. It was during my studies there that I really learned German, and got bitten by the travel bug.

Thanks so much for reading! Caroline is currently accepting new students, so don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about lessons with her or one of our other fantastic teachers. Click here to check out her bio. “Like us” on Facebook and subscribe to the email newsletter. Have a lovely day!



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