Why I’m Thankful to Have Music in My Life

by Cassie Winterhalter on November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope you are having a wonderful day and are enjoying delicious food with the company of your family. 🙂

This Thanksgiving, I wanted to stop and take a moment to reflect on all that I am grateful for. There are so many blessings in my life….my health and happiness, a wonderful and loving fiancé, my family, and the ability to do what I love most everyday. I am extremely grateful to have music as a part of my life. If my parents had not given me the opportunity to take piano lessons 20 years ago, my life would be dramatically different today.

Here are just a few of the reasons I’m grateful to have music in my life:

  • It’s so much fun!

There’s only a handful of other activities that I enjoy as much as sitting down at the piano and playing music. I try to do so as often as possible and am so lucky that I get to teach others how to have fun playing piano and other instruments.

  • I get to express myself without words.

I’m actually quite shy (was deathly shy as a child) and sometimes have trouble saying what I want to say. I can pull out my oboe or sit at the piano and play and express myself through music. If I feel angry, I can play a dark, intense piece. If I feel joyful, I can play a jubilant, happy piece. No matter my mood, I can play something that allows me to express myself.

Also, I credit music and performing in recitals and concerts to bringing me out of my shell and making me the confident person I am today.

  • Music is my passion.
  • I get to share beauty, joy, and happiness with others.
  • Music has helped me through many difficult times.

When something tough was going on in my life, I could sit at the piano, play for awhile, and I’d instantly feel better. As a kid, my family moved across the country several times. Whenever I felt sad or lonely, I’d sit down at the piano and play. In no time, my mood would brighten. I also met like-minded friends through my piano studio and in my school band.

  • Music has helped me with many things not related to music.

I firmly believe that through playing music, I developed a much better work ethic, study habits, self discipline, motivation to work hard and succeed, etc. I did quite well in school. While I’m sure I would have done well even if I had not studied an instrument, I’m positive that learning music helped me do even better in school and in my life.

When my parents let me take piano lessons as a kid, they were just hoping that I’d have fun and would learn how to play a few songs. They had no idea that sharing music with others would become my life’s work! I am so grateful for this amazing gift they gave to me.

Now I want to hear from you! What has music meant to you? Why are you grateful to have it in your life?

Thanks so much for reading. Please share this with your friends and subscribe to the newsletter list.

With sincere gratitude,


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