The Amazing Power of Music to Bring People Together

by Cassie Winterhalter on August 8, 2013

Today’s blog post serves a couple of purposes: 1. For me to discuss the above topic, which I very strongly believe in and 2. For me to share some of my wedding photos with you since A LOT of people have been asking to see them.

If you’ve been paying attention in here, you know that I recently got married (just over a month ago!). For me, it was imperative that the wedding was filled with wonderful, live music. Nothing else would suffice. And while my husband is not a musician himself, he comes from a very creative, artistic family, and supports my love of music all the way.

Our family and friend musicians volunteered to play for us. A variety of instruments were represented including: bass, clarinet, violin, guitar, voice, cello, and piano. I selected all of the pieces myself — picking ones that were meaningful to us and shared what we wanted to convey to our loved ones about our love and our relationship. For a few of them, I arranged the music myself.

The music in the wedding was beyond wonderful! 🙂 It was not only special to us, but our guests loved hearing the great performances. It was so touching to me that our musicians were willing to take the time to practice their piece(s), rehearse with the other musicians, and share their wonderful talent with us on our special day.

I’ve mentioned it before, but music has such an amazing power to bring people together– even if they come from completely different backgrounds. This was certainly true about our wedding day. Here was an amazing group of people from both of our lives that came together to celebrate with us. They all felt connected to one another listening to the music in our wedding and receiving the messages we wanted to share.

Being able to connect people through music is one of the reasons I love having recitals for our students. Our students who are of different ages, ability levels, instruments, background, etc. come together to share their joy of music with one another and with their families and friends. It’s extremely special! I can’t wait for this year’s recitals, which have already been scheduled in December and May.

I know that many of you attend church, synagogue, or other religious or spiritual gatherings. Most all of these organized religions include some type of music in the services. Isn’t great how music can bring people together to share the common good!?

Before I share the photos, I want to thank you for reading my blog. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read my thoughts about music and lessons. Leave a comment below and give me an example of how music has brought you together with others in your life. Subscribe to the newsletter, and don’t forget to “like us” on Facebook.

As promised, here’s a brief glimpse into our wedding day. Major props to our awesome photographer, Ellie Be and her assistant, for capturing these moments through photos.



{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Huda August 8, 2013 at 4:13 pm

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and photos with us. Clearly the day was a feast for the eyes and ears. Wishing you many happy ” notes” and years together!


Cassie Winterhalter August 8, 2013 at 6:48 pm

Thanks so much Huda! I appreciate that so much!


Melissa Wright August 8, 2013 at 7:00 pm

So beautiful Cassie! Congratulations! It looks like it was a magical day!

Next Thursday is my 10th wedding anniversary. We actually used music as our wedding favor. We burned CD’s with some of our favorite love songs and gave them to our guests.


Cassie Winterhalter August 9, 2013 at 11:10 pm

Thanks Melissa! It was very magical! What a cool wedding favor. 🙂 I bet you love hearing the songs from that CD anytime you hear them.


Mary Gubitosi August 9, 2013 at 10:25 pm

Thanks for showing us your wonderful pictures. You looked sooooooo beautiful and the groom so handsome. May your lives be full of happiness, good health and love always. My husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary next May and I wish you both a Blessed future together like I have.


Cassie Winterhalter August 9, 2013 at 11:12 pm

Thank you Mary! We are looking forward to all the highs and lows that we’ll experience together. Congratulations on your upcoming 50th anniversary!


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