Children and the Tremendous Power of Music

by Cassie Winterhalter on December 20, 2012

Congratulations to all the students who participated in last Saturday’s recital! You did a fabulous job. You played beautifully and stayed relaxed and calm despite feeling nervous. Each and every recital I look forward to your performances. You are all getting better and better each and every day. Keep it up!

Music has a great way of bringing people together for a greater good. It’s amazing to see all the smiling faces at our recitals — students, family members, and friends all having fun making music and celebrating together.

It is my mission to share the love of music with as many people as possible!

As we are about to break a couple of weeks for the holidays, I want to leave you with an inspirational story about children and the tremendous power of music.

Back in 2000, Gregg Breinberg, the chorus teacher at PS 22 in Staten Island, started a chorus for his 5th grade elementary school students. The students practice twice a week in school. They perform a variety a pieces- many popular songs arranged by Gregg himself.

Since 2000, the chorus has gained the attention of everyone from Oprah to President Obama to a multitude of artists. Their youtube channel has received over 50 million views. Wow!! They will even perform at President Obama’s inauguration this January.

The students come from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, and their school is a regular public school, not a magnet or special arts school.

I am blown away by these 5th graders. They sing beautifully and are definitely having a phenomenal time making music together.

Check out this video of them singing “Do you Hear What I Hear”.

Music is for anyone and everyone. We all need a little more fun and music in our lives!

As we get ready to take our winter break, I want to wish you and your family well this holiday season. Take time to relax, spend time with loved ones, and share your gift of music with others. You never know how it could affect them in ways you never knew about.

How has music enriched your life? Please leave a comment, share this article with your friends and subscribe to the newsletter list!

Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday!



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